Saturday, August 17, 2013

Going Away Parties, Busses and Bonfires

Where so I start?  It seems the longer I waited (or didn't have time to post) the more stuff happened and the more people asked me when I was going to post again!  So here I go...

When we got back from Germany, we fell right back into softball All-Star season.  We didn't exactly bring home team gold, we but Erin was MVP of one game and had a game-tying, three run homerun in another game.  If you have seen the video, yes I'm the crazy screaming Mom in the background.

Erin and Ryan had their usual Birthday Party with 30 or so of their closest friends at Town Park Pool.  Still the best bang for you birthday party budget!

Saturday July 27th brought on our Neighborhood Going Away Party (as well as my parent's 34th wedding anniversary).  We rented a 'big yellow' and headed down to Penn Brewery and Hofbrauhaus on the South Side.  Thank you everyone who was able to make it out! 

A good time was had by all...expect for Ryan who jumped off the ottoman while we were gone, fell awkwardly on his arm and broke it!  Sunday was spent at Children's Hospital (who was wonderful) getting the cast put on.  I can't wait for my first taste of Germany Orthopedic practices!  Good news, I found out the man who invented X-Rays was German, so we should be in good hands.  He can get the cast off on September 1st.

The weekend of August 3-4 we made the 1st and 2nd of our 5 consecutive turnpike runs in 11 days, so get to Lebanon for the Phillips family party.  Also had dinner with some of our best high school friends and their wives. 

Sunday night turned into (at least) Round 2 of neighborhood going away parties!  Neighborhood Corn Hole Tournament!

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the packers and movers were at the house.  Monday our Air Shipment was taken (to arrive in Germany in 8-10 days).  Tuesday was the big one with our Sea Shipment including our beds (to arrive in 6-8 weeks).  Then Wednesday they took the remainders to storage here in the US.  Yes, we have been sleeping on borrowed air mattresses with borrowed sheets and pillows.  No, it has not been fun.  But going out to dinner every night has been great since all of our cooking stuff and plates and silverware were gone day 1.  I could get used to not cooking. 

Thursday and Friday, since there was no where to sit at our house, Erin, Ryan and I had our German lessons in a conference room at Bayer.  Mike put Erin to work scanning and copying documents for the move and updating his Bucco 'magic number' spreadsheet. 

Thursday we took in a final and very hot Bucco game. 

Saturday and Sunday brought one final softball tournament for Erin and Mike.  In between games we hurried to Harrisburg for our Jameson/Roscoe going away party.  I don't think we have every gone to Harrisburg for such a short period of time.  Literally we were there for 13 hours.  Again, good times all around (except for Pete's severely sprained ankle).  Lots of family, friends and karaoke.  Oh, and a visit by the Harrisburg City Police for a noise complaint. 

Erin and Ryan brought the house down with their reditions of "Cups" by Anna Kendrick and "Cruise" by Florida Georgia Line.

Sunday we were up at out the door by 645 to get back for Erin's softball tournament.  I really don't remember turnpike drive #4, but I know I did it. 

Monday night, our last night in Pittsburgh, was Pristine Fields Going Away Party Round 3, complete with a bonfire at Gregg & Sandy's.  It's truly amazing how many people managed to make out for one last night with the Jamesons.  We love and appreciate all of you!

As of right now, you can text me on my old cell phone number.  Don't as me how it works.  Mike transferred my number to Google Voice and it all works out somehow.  Not sure what will happen with voice calls just yet.  We will need to look into that when we land.  FYI, Verizon was great with breaking on contract, since we are moving out of the Verizon coverage area.  They waived the contract cancellation fee, unlike Direct TV who is charging us $380.  I like to give credit where credit is due. 

Also, we did rent the house.  The new family will be moving in on the 16th.  Neighbors, please take care of them, but don't party too much at their house!  Keep it clean!  And don't have more fun with them then you do with us!

Tuesday, the 13th was our last night in the US.  We had dinner with our parents, Mary, Dan & Mike's Aunt Diane.  And Danny & Kait came over for a visit.  Ryan, Mike and Rick stayed up to watch the Buccos in a heartbreaking lose in 14 to the Cardinals. 

Rick is driving us to JFK this morning.  I will blog again as soon as I am able.  The kids start school on Monday the 19th.  We are not yet sure how long it will take us to get our internet up and running but it will be a top priority.  Ryan's priority is to get the WiiU setup as quickly as possible and get back to his Skylanders. 

Again, Thank You to everyone who has made it to parties or dropped a note/email/text/facebook post.  Every single one means so much to all of us!



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