Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sea Shipment has arrived, Bonn, and Movie Park

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted.  I've had an entire household to unpack!  Our shipment arrived Wednesday, September 11th.  The rental furniture company was supposed to arrive to take their stuff at 8.  They arrived at 715.  Love German promptness!  Luckily we were mostly ready for them. 
They movers did take as much of the boxes and packaging back with them that we could get to while they were here.  They also said that they will come back to pick up the rest.  There is ALOT of packaging. 
As of right now we are 95% unpacked.  That does not include the boxes that aren't being unpacked, or the garage I guess.  Last area to be unpacked will be my scrapbooking/crafting room.  Can't wait!  The only minor problem was getting our mattress to the 3rd floor, they had to hoist it up out of the backyard thought the porch door!  (No, I didn't get a picture, I'm bitter.)

Last Friday night the kid's school had an Oktoberfest-themed Welcome Back Party.  They actually sold beer right at the school, right at the playground.  I still can't wrap my head around it.  But wouldn't mind taking this tradition back to the USA with us!

Ryan did finally get his cast off!  He is very happy and gave it a good, long scratch when the doctor took it off.  He is playing soccer for his school, ISD, and so far has had 2 games.  He is enjoying it very much.  Game 1 was in the rain.  I didn't enjoy that so much.

Last weekend we made a day trip to Bonn, Germany.  There they have the gummy bear factory store.  No one needs this much gummy candy, but we have it. 

Bonn is the birthplace of Beethoven. 

Also, we happened upon this recreation, right in the middle of a street, of a medieval city wall and gate. 

Today, we took the kids to Movie Park.  It was a very cool amusement part about 35 minutes north of us.  We would recommend to anyone visiting us with kids.  (Have we mentioned we want people to come visit?  We are already making plans!)  Think of Disneyland, but with SpongeBob and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  The kids and Mike rode EVERYTHING.  The weather wasn't beautiful, but we were fine with it because it kept the crowds away.  We rarely stood in line for anything. 

Yes, I was very excited for this pic.  Rafael counts as a celebrity in my book!

Ryan loved the stunt show!  Bank robbers blowing things up and being tossed off buildings???  Yes, please!

Never saw a ride like this one before, pretty cool.  They have a lot of similar rides to ones in America.

They did the Dora Log Flume like 4 times.  But can someone PLEASE explain to me how this is supposed
to be fun?  Do any of them look like they are having fun?  I'm not a ride person, I don't get it.

Last weekend we also went to see a potential baseball team for the kids.  Yes, Erin will have to go back to baseball and she is not happy about it.  But as long as she gets to hit a ball with a bat she is ok.  Ryan is pretty excited too.  I don't know if the neighbors all appreciate Ryan's love of baseball.  He loves pitching his wiffle balls to himself in the backyard, and occasionally they land next door!  No complaints so far though. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I so enjoy reading about all of your adventures!!
