Thursday, November 14, 2013

The things we do for our kids...

Wednesday Erin and Ryan had their Student Led Conferenceas which is like Parent Teacher Conferences but focuses on the kids opinions of their work and how they feel about school. As opposed to how their teacher thinks they feel about school.

Anyway, both had great presentations for me (we scheduled at 830AM so Mike could join, then go to work, turns out he is in California,  so we actually went to school earlier than we would on a normal day) and great reports from their teachers. Erin's teacher said it's like she has been here for years and Ryan's teacher said he is getting more and more independent. When asked what he wants to improve he answered "soccer and singing". 

Back to the point, Düsseldorf has many indoor and outdoor pools so we decided to check one out. It was beautiful. Large locker rooms, and I believe 5 separate pools. Pool one was full of older people doing their daily laps and in between staring at me in shock because my kids weren't in school on a Wednesday morning. Pool 2 was a kiddie pool complete with a pirate ship and the warmest heated water I could ask for. Do you know I hate being cold?  I could have lived in there all day. I will admit the kiddie pool was beneath Erin and Ryan and they quickly tired of it and started looking elsewhere. Like to the outdoor pool happily steaming away in the 45 degree air and again filled with a  disapproving, elderly population. I figured ok, they will take one step out side, I'm obviously not getting in that water, and they will be so cold they will run back inside looking for their Mommy. Oh no. You must swim from the indoor lap pool through a tunnel under the lifeguard and out into the (did I mention 45 degree?) weather. Unfortunately Ryan still needs about 1 more inch, so off we all were into the cold. Simply ridiculous! 

The pool was obviously warm compared to the outside air but I really don't see the point. Do Germans consider this exposure to the elements healthy?  does it make you tough for the long, cold, dark winter ahead? 

It did have one part with jets that spun you around in a circle, but I'm pretty sure it was for an old person exercise,  not for me a Ryan giggling around it. Again more disapproving stares.

The highlight may have been when Erin wanted to jump in and a woman snapped her head around and asked (in English) that Erin not jump because she did not want to get her hair wet. You. Are in. A Pool. These things happen. I, of course, did not argue with the speed/swim/walking woman because I'm fairly certain she was not wearing a bathing suit top but I can't confirm, luckily.  Obviously working on her tan and didn't want lines.

Am I glad we went to the pool?  Yes
Will we go again?  Yes
In Fall/Winter/Spring or anything not in mid-August?   I'm not promising that.

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